
Welcome to the ohana!
Terence Knapp Visiting Artists Endowment Fund
Mahalo to these donors who have included MVT in their estate planning
Estate of Richard Aadland
Timothy L. Archer
Michael Beard
Roger and Felice Brault
Hank Chapin
Estate of Jim Connors
Richard and Myrna Cundy
Don Flaminio
Victoria Gail-White and John Wythe White
Estate of Gaye Glaser
Estate of Gail M. Hudson
Estate of Dorothy Ireland
Estate of Jerome and Jura Landfield
Estate of Roger Long
Dwight T. Martin
Estate of Elaine Martin
Donald E. Morgan
in Memory of Beverly J. Morgan
Richard S. Morris
Estate of Leon J. Munson
In Honor of Eleanor Fisher Pence
Estate of Martin Pence
Jeffrey S. and Sandi Portnoy
Estate of David M. Reed
Michael and Alberta Rosenberg
Clint Schroeder
Alice and Jerry Tucker
Estate of Angeline Walther
Estate of Herbert Walther